Monday, May 25, 2020

Surface Area to Volume Ratio and the Relation to the Rate...

Surface Area to Volume Ratio and the Relation to the Rate of Diffusion Aim and Background This is an experiment to examine how the Surface Area / Volume Ratio affects the rate of diffusion and how this relates to the size and shape of living organisms. The surface area to volume ratio in living organisms is very important. Nutrients and oxygen need to diffuse through the cell membrane and into the cells. Most cells are no longer than 1mm in diameter because small cells enable nutrients and oxygen to diffuse into the cell quickly and allow waste to diffuse out of the cell quickly. If the cells were any bigger than this then it would take too long for the nutrients and oxygen to diffuse into the cell so the cell would probably not†¦show more content†¦The larger blocks have a smaller surface area than the smaller blocks. The smallest block has 1.2mm squared of surface area for every 1mm cubed of volume. The largest block only has 0.2mm squared of surface area for each 1mm cubed of volume. This means that the hydrochloric acid is able to diffuse the smallest block much faster than the largest block. When the Surface Area/Volume Ratio goes down it takes longer for theShow MoreRelatedSurface Area Volume Ratio Experiment1104 Words   |  5 PagesSurface area / Volume ratio Experiment Introduction: The surface area to volume ratio in living organisms is very important. Nutrients and oxygen need to diffuse through the cell membrane and into the cells. Most cells are no longer than 1mm in diameter because small cells enable nutrients and oxygen to diffuse into the cell quickly and allow waste to diffuse out of the cell quickly. If the cells were any bigger than this then it would take too long for the nutrients and oxygen to diffuse intoRead MoreInvestigating The Correlation Between Surface Area And Volume1827 Words   |  8 Pagescorrelation between surface area and volume in regards to cellular transport. BACKGROUND THEORY / INTRODUCTION Cells are the basic unit of life of which all living organisms are built upon, they are the smallest living organizational unit and they all come from pre-existing cells which has been supported by several scientists in the formation of cell theory [Biological physics, 2013]. The structure of a cell is strongly correlated with its function and the way it acts in relation to other cells andRead MoreOsmosis And Diffusion Lab : Experiment2755 Words   |  12 Pages Osmosis and Diffusion Lab Saagar Chitale 10/13/14 AP Bio Pd.5 Introduction: The first part of this three part lab was an investigation that examined the relationship between rate of diffusion and the surface area to volume ratio. To simulate this, we used an agar cube with NaOH and phenolphthalein mixed in, and dropped it in an HCl solution. As the HCL diffused in and reacted with the phenolphthalein, we were visually able to see diffusion at work. Diffusion is the movement of moleculesRead MoreGas Exchange : A Important Bodily Process3474 Words   |  14 Pagesis that they need oxygen, and do not need carbon dioxide. Oxygen is taken in by the organism, and carbon dioxide is released by the organism. Diffusion plays a big role in the process of gas exchange. In this context, diffusion is a movement of a gas from an area of a high concentration to a low concentration, until an equilibrium is reached. Diffusion allows an organism to obtain oxygen necessary for cells in order to stay alive. This in turn, can be affected by environmental factors such as temperatureRead MoreWhy Gas Exchange Is Essential For All Organisms2297 Words   |  10 Pages The carbon dioxide is a waste product of respiration so it is diffused out of the organism’s body. All Gas exchange mechanisms must be; moist as gases need to dissolve in H2O to diffuse across a membrane. Have a large surface area which is related to requirements (metabolic rate activity/lifestyle) of an organism, thin enough membranes for gases to diffuse across. Gas Exchange in Mammals Gas exchange occurs in land mammals by the air entering through nose or mouth. The nasal cavity is a structuralRead MoreDesign Of An Integrated Circuit9821 Words   |  40 Pagesintegrated circuits and the lead frame (wire bonding) has been increasingly affected by phenomena such as Joule heating and electromigration, which have accelerated a particular interface reaction in the wire-pad diffusion couple. Nonetheless, the performance of interface reaction in the wire-pad diffusion couple is also naturally affected by the materials used in the wire bond interconnection. 1.2 Au/Al system vs. Cu/Al system in wire bonding process In the past, the use of Au-wire and Al-pad was widely extendedRead MoreLab Report Gas Diffusion3047 Words   |  13 PagesS5E1 Gaseous Diffusion 1.0 ABSTRACT In this experiment, our objective is to find out the gas diffusion coefficient, D of acetone in the air. This experiment is conducted at a temperature of 50 ºC and atmospheric pressure. The method that is applied to conduct this experiment is called the Winkleman method where the level of acetone (Z) is determined every 15 minutes by using a microscope. With the level of acetone being determined, a graph of t/L+Lo (min /mm) vs. L-Lo (mm) is plotted and theRead MoreThe explicit presentation of the mathematics involved in the Arrhenius equation (Michels, Tsong,3200 Words   |  13 Pagesimplementation of the physical processes described in the mathematical equations into a model replicating the natural environment is a complicated problem hard to solve (Stevenson 1998). THE DEVELOPMENT OF MODELS FOR THE UNDERSTANDING OF OBSIDIAN HYDRATION RATES In order to understand the obsidian hydration dating method, a model that can demonstrate the process of glass hydration under a certain range of environmental conditions is needed. To implement this, the nature of the concerned materials i.e. glassRead MoreAssignment Brief to Break Down Unit 5 Health and Social Care Level 11545 Words   |  7 Pagesstructures, including complex sentences, and paragraphs to organise written communication effectively Task 2 (P4, M1, D1) P4: Explain the physiology of two named body systems in relation to energy metabolism in the body In the form of a written document you need to explain the physiology of two named body systems in relation to energy metabolism in the body To gain a pass you must be able to: †¢ Write a short account of the role of energy in the body and describe why the body needs energy and whatRead MoreHeat Transfer4661 Words   |  19 Pagestransfer between them can never be stopped; it can only be slowed. Conduction Conduction is the transfer of heat by direct contact of particles of matter. The transfer of energy could be primarily by elastic impact as in fluids or by free electron diffusion as predominant in metals or phonon vibration as predominant in insulators. In other words, heat is transferred by conduction when adjacent atoms vibrate against one another, or as electrons move from atom to atom. Conduction is greater in solids

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Music Has An Acute Effect On People - 1436 Words

Music has an acute effect on people. It has the power and versatility to make people feel contempt and miserable. This versatility makes it popular among people, as there are a wide variety of moods displayed in music that can reflect the listeners well being. Jazz has been an extremely popular form of music throughout time. Its interesting melodies and meaningful lyrics give voice to artists to display their emotions through beauteous music. During its heyday in the 1920’s, jazz singing was a landscape of the American sound (Carr 9). Being a jazz singer, Billie Holiday deserves to be put on the list of the 100 most influential people of the 20th century. Not only for her being in the general population of influential jazz musicians, but†¦show more content†¦Holidays voice influenced jazz world, by widening the spectrum of what jazz could be, thus opening jazz up to more vocal types. This influence revolutionized jazz singing by bringing a fresh voice to a world of ja zz that was still growing in the 1920’s. Holiday had a superiority of skill level to other jazz singers in the 1920’s, so it is unquestionable that the influence of her distinct voice reached many, as her fame allowed her to. Holiday had a keen effect on her masses as her â€Å"exceptional voice made her audience connect with her and feel a certain way about her that no one else could match. Her haunting, sometimes even eerie sound had a mysterious effect on her audiences†¦ In her small pretty voice, capable of creating new, blue sounding melodies, they heard the sound of nostalgia- a longing for missed opportunities, and lost love† (Gourse Billie 14). Holiday was far more than a singer, she was a common person. She had both woes and triumphs, as all people do, and she did not hide that in her voice. Holiday used her distinctly haunting voice to lure one in to listen, and once they were listening, they saw their own struggles in her melodies. By doing this, Holiday connected with her audience and portrayed her humanity to them. The distinct vocal cues, a grunt or a moan, could be all that an

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Commonly Confused Wait and Weight

The words wait and weight are homophones: they sound alike but have different meanings. The verb wait means to stay in place until something else happens. As a noun, wait refers to the time spent waiting. The verb weight means to load down or make heavier. The noun weight refers to a measure of heaviness or to an object used to hold something down. Examples You cant wait for inspiration; you have to go after it with a club. (Jack London)After a long wait for luggage, I took a cab to my hotel.Any object is dragged down when a heavy weight is tied to it. Practice (a) Every year, people make resolutions to exercise and lose _____.(b) I couldnt _____ for success, so I went ahead without it.(c) One end of the belt was attached to a five-pound _____.(d) The _____ was agonizing, and our thirst became almost unbearable. Answers (a) Every year, people make resolutions to exercise and lose  weight.(b) I couldnt  wait  for success, so I went ahead without it.(c) One end of the belt was attached to a five-pound  weight.(d) The  wait  was agonizing, and our thirst became almost unbearable. Glossary of Usage: Index of Commonly Confused Words

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Oil Shortages And Its Effects - 1464 Words

Oil Shortages and its Effects Oil is considered as one of the most important chemical substances on earth that have greatly affected our lives. For the past years, countries have been using oil extensively since it has a lot of benefits and many uses. Oil has been used a lot in the past years, whether people were using it for personal uses such as for their cars or transportation companies using it for the sake of their vehicles. There are two types of oil conventional oil and synthetic oil, each type has its different uses. Conventional oil is a mixture of mainly pentanes and heavier hydrocarbons that are extracted from an underground reservoir and liquid at atmospheric pressure and temperature, this allows the oil to flow through a pipeline without processing. Conventional oil can be used for many things, but one of the most important uses is for a vehicle. Synthetic oil is a lubricant made up from chemical compounds which are artificial. Synthetic oil is also used for vehicles. F or the past years countries have been using conventional oil extensively and soon the world will have supply shortages of oil which will have many negative effects on our lives. Some of the effects include increased debt defaults, rising interest rates, rising unemployment, disruption of exporting oil, more recession to happen, and drop in market value of bonds. Conventional oil has been used a lot in the past decades and for many reasons, unfortunately the world is running out of conventionalShow MoreRelatedWater Pollution and Water Scarcity Essay1309 Words   |  6 Pages Water is essential for humans and organisms to live â€Å"Drinking water, â€Å"2008). Water covers most of the world and makes up more of the world than land. Water comes from different sources. Water may surround us but there are still shortages. Water allows us to live but it could be harmful to our bodies when polluted. Humans and natural disasters can cause damage to the water supply It is important to co nserve water whenever possible (â€Å"Drinking Water, â€Å"2008). Oceans make up two-thirds of the EarthRead MoreThe Cost Of Gas Prices1595 Words   |  7 PagesOil is one of the most valued products in the world—which means oil can be very inelastic. It is something that people need in order for them to keep their cars going and for many other reasons in this world. When the cost of gas drops down, the usual consumer’s response is positive, however, that might not be the case for some producers in the market. The lower cost of gas means that people will be able to save money—which is exactly what any consumers would want in the market. Specific consumersRead MoreOil Crisis : An Essential Element Of Our Modern Community1390 Words   |  6 PagesOil is an essential element to our modern community. People need oil to fill up their tanks for their car, light up their light bulbs at home, and much more. Most of the world’s oil have got imported from the Middle East, in Arab countries. The oil crisis has led America on the road of not depending on other countries imported goods, and try to create their own with their own resources, this is one reason why America is the top economy country in this world. In American history, Americans recognizeRead MoreEssay about Week 3 Assignment1671 Words   |  7 Pageschange in demand [supply] and a change in quantity demanded [supplied]. Dont shift both curves unless appropriate). Describe what happens to equilibrium price and sales. Expla in why or why not this makes sense in the real world. -A- Show the effect on the U.S. new construction residential housing market in the event of a severe economic recession. SEE EXCEL DOCUMENT FOR DIAGRAM In theory, during a recession both demand for, and the supply of homes would drop. Demand would drop due toRead MoreThe Energy Of Fossil Fuels1257 Words   |  6 Pagesindustrial gear (Michael Roberts, 67). Prolonged use of effortlessly available oil aided to fuel nonstop expansion in the twentieth century. Agricultural assembly was converted by the use of motor-powered farm gear and petroleum-based fertilizers and pesticides. Trucks, airplanes and cars powered by oil products transformed the transportation of goods and people. Electricity, mainly powered by coal and to a smaller degree oil and natural gas, funded to the additional automation of engineering and madeRead MoreWhy Is Sec Important For The Smooth Functioning Of Both Securities And Stock Markets1607 Words   |  7 Pagesstock. The investors will respond to a change of regulation by holding their money lest they may lose. Additionally, some of the investors will recall their money for fear that some companies will clos e down before they are paid back. As a result, shortage of stock will occur in the market, resulting in high short term prices. Besides, public corporations tend to compete for the little stock in the market. Consequently, prices of the stock will be increased due to competition. The company managementsRead MoreThe Immortal Words Of Sheikh Zaki Yamani, A Saudi Oil Minister1564 Words   |  7 Pagesimmortal words of Sheikh Zaki Yamani, a Saudi oil minister, â€Å"the Stone Age did not end for the lack of stone but the oil age will surely end long before the world runs out of oil† (The end of the Oil Age). A strong prediction from 3 decades, coming from such a source can hardly be a case of wishful thinking. More elaborate description of this prediction was proposed by Shell geologist M. King Hubbert in 1956 through his Hubbert Curve (Lamb). He proposed that all oil wells follow a production bell curve withRead MoreVenezuela s Impact On Venezuela1339 Words   |  6 PagesVenezuela has the â€Å"largest proven reserves of crude oil in the world† and is currently dominated by the oil industry. Problems and Challenges: The main problem and challenge that Venezuela’s economy is facing today is a shortage in supplies. Many critics place the blame on Venezuela’s current president Nicolas Maduro and his poor management abilities. Venezuela doesn’t have a stable economy but instead has a poorly run exporting business. The cost of an oil barrel has dropped down significantly resultingRead MoreEssay Crude Oil742 Words   |  3 PagesCRUDE OIL For the past month and a half I have researched and followed Crude Oil prices in order to gain a better understanding of exactly what this commodity is, how it is traded, how it effects our overall market as well as our everyday lives. During this time I’ve learned the importance of understanding how and why commodities are traded everyday and will share with you exactly what I have learned from my research. In 1859 Colonel Drake stuck oil for the first time and became the first manRead MoreMarket Equilibration Process Paper635 Words   |  3 PagesMarket Equilibration Process Paper Market equilibrium is the point in which industry offers goods at the price consumers will consume without creating a shortage or a surplus of goods. Shortages drive up the cost of goods while surpluses drive the cost of goods down, finding the balance in the process is market equilibrium. The concept is derived from combining equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity to yield the equilibrium of a specific market. Changes in the determinants of demand

Young Good Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne Book Report/Review

Essays on Young Good Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne Book Report/Review The paper "Young Good Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne" is a wonderful example of a book review on literature. Young Good Brown is a canon written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The prolific uses both symbolism and imagery to relay the exciting piece of literature. Brown, who is the protagonist in the story, leaves his wife Faith to go to an unknown destination. Brown, who is young and naive, is persuaded his wife to stay home through the night. However, he does not hide to his calls and instead leaves unceremoniously to the darkness (Hawthorne, 2005, p.1). In the last paragraph of page 8, Brown is initiated in what seems to appear as a cult that practices devil worshipping. Shockingly, he discovers that his lovely wife is in the evil activity that is widespread among the local community. He is convinced that Faith is part of the wicked ratchet of devil worshipers because of the ribbon that she has which symbolizes the membership of the cult. Brown is disgusted given that it seems that he had not learned his wife prior to marrying her. Out of the disbelief of the unfolding events, he shouts his wife's name loudly. He remains unsure about his wife’s reaction after having discovered that he was in the middle of a dream (Hawthorne, 2005, pp.8-13). Coincidentally, the next morning, Mr. Brown meets the religious leader he had dreamt the previous morning. The head seemed to be preparing for the sermon for the day. Brown resented him because he felt that he was preaching water while at the same time drinking wine. During the day, he see med he behaved like a saint but in the night he practiced devil worshiping and witchcraft. The bad dream Brown haunts him while attending the church service. According to the piece, religion has become so much hypocritical with people using religion as a cover-up for their evil deeds (Hawthorne, 2005, pp.8-13).

Critique In Systems & Technology for MonetLoyalty - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theCritique In Systems Technology for MonetLoyalty. Answer: Introduction Through the development of new Information System business organizations will be able to bring effective business level change and beneficial outcome from it as well. With the help of innovation and creativity every company could gain measurable successful outcome from the competitive marketplace (Zhao et al., 2015). This report depicts the importance of implementing information system in a group of 5 holiday resorts. These five resort owners have decided to deliver a better value opportunity to the consumers those are important for the improvement of the functional efficiency of their business operation. Different online booking websites are there such as,, are there through which the users will be able to access information and even also able to book for the resorts including breakfast, dinner, lunch as well. This advanced application is costly but many security aspects are also associated to it. Due to the presence of different security perspectives the s ervice providers will be able to gain many other additional success criteria in terms of security as well. A customer loyalty scheme called MonetLoyalty Difference between Information system and information technology In order to improve the exiting business efficiency it is very much necessary for the business organizations to adopt advanced level technologies in terms of development of online website (Vaishnavi et al., 2017). In traditional booking the consumers used to face different issues and challenges however, in order to mitigate those challenges adoption of technical advances have become a beneficial activity. In order to serve these activities without any kind of errors, proper application of the activities and role play of the project team members are needed to be served properly (Bemile, Achampong Danquah, 2014. Considering different business environment it has been determined that, two different components are there named as information technology and information system. Information technology is an independent variable whereas, the information system, a dependent variable that is dependent on information technology (Adams yuonakuu solomon, 2016). The information technology will be able to develop Information System for the consumers. Another application is also there that helps to improve the business efficiency through the development of mobile application (Bilgihan Bujisic, 2015). With the help of the mobile app the users will be able to book resorts regardless of their location and times as well. The level of risks will be minimized after the implementation of the information system through the utilization of information technology. High volume of information can be stored and access will reduce error after the implementation of the information system for business operations (Ladhari Michaud, 2015). On the other hand, proper hardware and software are also needed to be acquired to implement the information system for booking the resorts. The ways through which the negative impacts could be mitigated After the deployment of the mobile app the integrated resorts operation will b able to grab more number of consumers from the competitive market place (Vaishnavi et al., 2017). Not only this but also, with the help of the mobile application, both the rate of consumer loyalty and brad loyalty as well will increase simultaneously. About the customer loyalty scheme known as MonetLoyalty Loyalty of the consumers is referred to as an art that helps to increase the quality of offers and services of the business enterprise (Rus Negru?a, 2014). As customers are the most valuable asset for the consumers thus from the customer loyalty and their opinions the business strategies and the operational capability of any organization can be enhanced accordingly as the success of the business is not only partly but also entirely dependent on number of satisfied consumers. The competitive framework can be over framed with the help of the business capabilities and business competencies as well (Pan Zhang, 2016). Based on the type of businesses different strategies are there that helps to increase the customer loyalty. The development steps are as follows: An improved as well as advanced platform is required to be developed for the consumers to let the consumers know about the current business operation of the resorts. In addition to this, a media for communication is also needed to be developed in terms of website feedback, voice mailing, emails etc. It will help the consumers to improve the brand loyalty and operation ability as well. The online website system is required to remember the date of the birth, anniversary of the consumers and as per the dates they should wish them also to make them feel happy and special (Ozturk et al.,2015). Certain special offers like, gift coupons, discounts are needed to be given to the consumers to make them engaged to the website. In order to grab more number of customers it is necessary to develop and improve the customer services and customer response approach (Ladhari Michaud, 2015). The other activities associated to the customer service are instant response, follow up calls etc. In addition to these activities, the combinations of the five resorts are able to serve free meals, free tour tickets and flight tickets as well. It will help the consumers to get huge set of opportunities from the service. Interactive tools for business improvement Continued patronage In order to improve the brand loyalty of the existing and newly garbed consumers it is necessary to incorporate different support system in a condescending manner through additional support and services as well (Ling et al., 2015). From the support of both the consumers end and business end the continued patronage can be enhanced accordingly. Brand Loyalty The brand loyalty of the consumers could be enhanced with different methods those are available in the marketplace. Considering the type of business the most suitable brand loyalty enhancing method is required to be adopted by the consumers (Bilgihan Bujisic, 2015). In order to enhance the brand loyalty of the consumers the methods those have been identified are as follows: Proper delivery of the values The customer service developed for the company must have 360 degree focus to the service In order to engage the consumers with the services of the providers usable expert contents should be implemented (Ozturk et al.,2015). Arrangements of different promotional activities or campaigning are required for integrating the systems together. The loyalty levels of the consumers are required to be developed through arranging the rewards for the consumers (Zhao et al., 2015). Suggestion for attracting new consumers In order to attract consumers from different geographical domain it is necessary to consider different tools and technologies as well. The steps for attracting the consumers are as follows: Understand the requirement of the consumers: Before the implementation of the services for the consumers it is necessary for the service providers to understand the requirement of the consumers (Bemile, Achampong Danquah, 2014. The two significant aspects considered for serving services to the consumers include product flow and quality services. On time response for the consumers: Each consumer of any company expects to get timely response from the service providers. Thus, the consumers are required to serve proper acknowledgment for developing relationship between the consumers and the service providers. Offers delivered for the customers: Based on the type of the consumers different offers are served. Different tour packages are available and based on the regularity, the offers are offered to the consumers. However, before serving the offers to the consumers it is necessary for the service providers to analyze the quality of the competitors (Ozturk et al.,2015). Through analyzing the competitors the offers are required to be decided by the management authority of the online resort booking system. It will help the company to gain competitive advantages from the competitive market place. Integrated ERP solution ERP or enterprise Resource Planning is referred to as a business level solution that helps the online website providers to gain competitive advantages and measurable business success from the marketplace. Through the application of this particular solution the user will be able to establish secured as well as a bidirectional relationship between the consumers and he service providers. Huge difference is there between the cloud ERP and on premise ERP. The benefits associated to the ERP based solution are as follows: Requirements for resources: With the help of the based ERP system, no additional outlay capitals are required. Even the providers need not to buy external resources in terms of new servers (Ozturk et al., 2015). The application efficiency of the database also get enhanced with the help of ERP based solution. Enhanced security: The securities of the system get enhanced after the adoption of the ERP solution. In addition to the scalability the application reliability, availability and the support from the vendor side also gets enhanced frequently. Other business opportunities those are associated to the information system The other business level opportunities those are associated to the systems are as follows: Improvement of the international marketing Enhancement of the consumer base Exponential revenue increment New service implementation A new Web 4.0-Level ultra-intelligent electronic Portal Web 4.0 ultra intelligent versions is referred to as one of the most effective business platform through which the users and the consumers will be able to increase their business efficiency through gaining competitive advantages and business revenue as well. Not only this but also the Web 4.0 Level ultra-intelligent electronic Portal is an advanced agent through which the users will be recognized in a much easier way. This device has a smaller surveillance camera and facial recognition capability (Bemile, Achampong Danquah, 2014). Moreover, it can be said that with the help of this particular application is nothing different but a biometric authentication though which the significance of a person can be identified easily. Considering the business background of the 5 group of resorts it has been defined that, for securing the web portal from the external attackers, this kind of biometric recognition rather authentication of the consumers are very much important from the business aspe ct (Adams yuonakuu solomon, 2016). It will help the company to gain effective success from the marketplace. Conclusion From the overall discussion it can be concluded that with the help of the information system the business efficiency and the growth model of online service providers gets improved exponentially. The difference between information system and information technology and the way through which the business efficiency could be increased with the help of information system are also elaborated in this report. Not only this but also the role of brand loyalty and consumers loyalty are also elaborated in this report. In addition to this, hoe the consumers loyalty could be enhanced are also illustrated in this report. In addition to this, the exiting business operation and functionalities could be extended, through ERP system and web 4.0 level ultra intelligent electronic portals are also illustrated in this report. Through implementation of online websites stand beneficial for any business organization but still certain issues are also associated to it hose are needed to be resolved. The ways t hrough which the issues could be resolved are illustrated in the recommendations. Recommendations Security development: In order to increase the business efficiency of the online resort booking service providers t is necessary for the consumers to develop certain security aspects in terms of application firewall and encryption. With the help of the application firewall and encryption none of the external users will be able to access information from the web portal without the permission of the service providers. Encryption: With the encryption technology the service providers will be able to increase the security of their portal and the unauthorized users will not be able to access information from the server. The consumers or users who have the decryption code only will be able to access information. Hiring technical experts: Technical experts are required to be hired by the management authority of the website providers. Technical experts will be able to operate the system much efficiently. Even the rate of errors will also get reduced, if the system is operated by the technical experts. References Adams, h., yuonakuu solomon, n. A. A. B. A. S. E. R. U. (2016).Online hotel reservation system(doctoral dissertation). Ali, F., Kim, E. K., Kim, Y. G. (2015). 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The influence of online reviews to online hotel booking intentions.International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management,27(6), 1343-1364.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Marketing Plan of Ronald McDonald House Charities - Free Sample

Question: Discuss about the Marketing Plan of Ronald McDonald House Charities. Answer: Introduction The aim of this report is to create a marketing plan for the non-profit organisation Ronald McDonald House Charities operating in Australia. This organisation has presence in my countries. It works for wellbeing of the children and for other social welfare (, 2016). This organisation wants to expand its area of activities in the underserved area of Australia. Marketing plan may help the organisation to create awareness among the target audience. Hence, the report presents an outline of the marketing plan that would be effective for Ronald McDonald House Charities. The marketing plan involves analysis of marketing channels, marketing tools and budget outline. Introduction of Nature of Service and Need for Marketing Ronald McDonald House Charities is a non-profit organisation, which provides support and service in order to improve health and wellbeing of children. This organisation provides a place to stay the families with hospitalised children. Marketing plan is required for this institution to create awareness among people to avail services (Terpstra, Foley Sarathy, 2012). The organisation can make collaboration with key partners to facilitate the services. Along with these, marketing plan helps to segment market for different types of customers. Market segmentation is required to improve service quality (Lefebvre, 2013). Marketing Plan Analysis of Macroeconomic Environment Ronald McDonald House Charities operates as a non-profit organisation in the field of health care, charity and social welfare. Government funds and grants are the main source of income of this organisation. This organisation provides welfare services to the people. In order to extend the area of service at the time of natural disaster, the organisation wants to organise a campaign. Demand for services of NGOs is increasing worldwide due to their diversified activities (Watkins, Swidler Hannan, 2012). Macro economic variables such demand for services, government tax regulations, revenue from investment, and availability of donors affect the activities of the organisation. Marketing Goal and Target Audience Marketing goal of this organisation is to reach service to the underserved area of Australia. Natural disaster affects the family and especially children. The vision of Ronald McDonald House Charities is to provide service to the low-income family who cannot avail proper health care services in the large health care institutions (Rogers Davidson, 2015). Target audiences of this organisation are consumers, donors and potential volunteers. It is required to reach information about programmes and services to the target consumers as without social awareness programme cannot be successful. Marketing is required to aware the consumers about the process of engaging with the organisation (Ayub et al., 2013). Marketing plan needs to reach the potential donors to make them aware about organisational goal, special events and fund raising programmes. Organising events requires volunteers, who help to organise the events on behalf of Ronald McDonald House Charities. Identification of Channels of Marketing Effective marketing channel for the organisation would be organisational website and social media. In the present marketing environment, easy way to reach people is through digital media (Powers, 2014). Social media such as Face book, blogs, Twitter are effective media to reach most of the people. Ronald McDonald House Charities can use the method of paid advertising through print or online banner ads. Google Ad Words can be a medium (Osterwalder et al., 2014). This organisation can communicate with the stakeholders and prospective customers through newsletter, e-newsletter and direct mail. This charity organisation can organisation a special event in a target location in order to create awareness about their upcoming services (Kowalkowski et al., 2012). Brochures can be used as marketing channels. Marketing Tools Google Ad Grants: This tool facilitates online advertisement for marketing. This tool displays the massage of the organisation while searching. Google provides US$10,000 to the organisation in Ad Words per month if the organisation meets the Googles Grantspro criteria (Lusch Vargo, 2014). Google Apps: Google Apps provide this app to the NGOs to use these at free of cost in order to meet the requirements. An extensive technical support in the form of Gmail, Google drive with 30 GB storage in the cloud and Google calendars is very helpful to execute marketing plan for the organisation (Berthon et al., 2012). Ronald McDonald House Charities has various learned skill activities, which helps the young aspirants to educate community and increase the chances of employment. Content marketing: The scope of content marketing for NGOs is growing presently. Though uploading a video, which contains massage for society is helpful marketing tool for Ronald McDonald House Charities. YouTube Non Profit Program is useful media to provide this facility. Many facilities can be got through this program such as free technical support along with the presentation of customisable profile with the logo and brand of the organisation on the YouTube (Armstrong et al., 2012). Process of Delivering Customer Value to the Target Market Customer Value Chain Analysis Customer Value chain analysis is required in marketing plan to identify potential stakeholders (Kim et al., 2012). The statement of customer value proposition presents the benefits that the consumers are likely to get from the service of Ronald McDonald House Charities. The organisation tries to provide a homely environment to the sick children admitted in hospitals. Figure 1: Customer value proposition (Source: Kim et al., 2012) The value proposition of Ronald McDonald House Charities includes above-mentioned dimensions. The functional value is that the service offered by the organisation is easy to use. Hospital environment is painful for the children. Therefore, this organisation wants to provide a comfortable environment to the children so that they can get medical facilities easily. If the service of this organisation can satisfy a customer, this customer may become loyal to the organisation (Osterwalder et al., 2014). Customer loyalty helps to inform more consumers, who need this kind of service in the remote area. The customers, who came to the city for availing hospital service to cure their children, may need this kind of services provided by Ronald McDonald House Charities. Spread of information is helpful in marketing. Information from the mouth of a customer is more valuable in marketing compared to any other marketing tools (Kowalkowski et al., 2012). The service offered by Ronald McDonald House Charities has financial implications. It provides financial advantage to the people having need of services. The activity of this organisation has social value. In order to create customer value proposition, emphasizing some strategies are required. Firstly, emphasis needs to be given on the benefits availed by the customers. Secondly, emphasis needs to be given to the unique difference of the service compared to the competitors (Armstrong et al., 2012). Preparation of Budget Timeline and Resources The budget time includes the allocated resource and required money to finance the expenditure. Budget time includes both cash inflow and outflow. Activities of expenditure Costs Online advertisement $15000 Recruitment of volunteers $10000 Investment in training $4000 Investment in brochures, logo and mailing $2000 Campaign $2500 Total cost = $33500 Table 1: Expenditure on marketing (Source: created by author) Fund raising values Government grant $25000 Donation of other institutions $10000 Total fund flow $35000 Table 2: Cash inflow (Sources: created by author) Both the table shows fund inflow and fund outflow in marketing. Recommendation The marketing strategy for the charity organisation needs to be simple but attractive. It requires to state value proposition in a simplistic manner. There is significant number of not-for-profit organisations in Australia. Expansion of operation in this industry requires increase in activities. Effectiveness of marketing Plan depends upon skilled workers. The company needs to have a professional marketing planner and marketing manager. The marketing team needs to be technically efficient to implement the marketing plan. Technical skill is required to execute the online or App based marketing plan. Collaboration with more organisations both at national and international level would increase the scope of marketing. Conclusion The report presents a brief marketing plan for Ronald McDonald House Charities. This non-profit organisation has Nobel activity in different country in the field of health care and other social welfare. This organisation wants to reach services to the underprivileged family. This organisation provides room and other homely services to the family, who goes hospital for the treatment of their children. This service reduces the stress of the child and the family by providing a comfortable environment. Expansion of service area requires a marketing plan so that the organisation can reach most of the people in the territory. The report includes a plan to identify target audience, volunteers and the fundraisers. Marketing helps to strengthen the engage of the stakeholders more with the organisation. A budget has been provided to get an idea about the cash inflow and outflow in and out of the organisation. References Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M., Brennan, R. (2012).Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Prentice-Hall, London. Ayub, A., Adeel, R., Muhammad, S. A., Hanan, I. (2013). A conceptual framework on evaluating SWOT analysis as the mediator in strategic marketing planning through marketing intelligence.European Journal of Business and Social Sciences,2(1), 91-98. Berthon, P. R., Pitt, L. F., Plangger, K., Shapiro, D. (2012). Marketing meets Web 2.0, social media, and creative consumers: Implications for international marketing strategy.Business horizons,55(3), 261-271. Kim, K. H., Jeon, B. J., Jung, H. S., Lu, W., Jones, J. (2012). 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